You’re free to ask and I’ll choose if I’ll answer.
Below are answers to questions asked to me whether frequently or through this site. Some answers may not include the question. You are free to submit a question to ask me and I will either respond to your question request or add it here, possibly both. I will answer nearly anything that is reasonable. Things that I likely won’t answer questions about: Politics, sex (life, preferences etc), things answered in other areas of the site.
Are you really 6’2″?
I may be a hair shy of the 2″ but yes, I’m really 6’2″ without any shoes on. No I didn’t play basketball in high school, no I did not become a model.
Are you from XYZ?
I got asked this a lot when I worked on the phones, my most common location people believed I was from was the midwest, specifically Minnesota. I think that I visited the midwest when I was a young child but I’m a born and raised Californian turned Arizonian (when I was 14). If you hear an accent from anywhere else you can almost guarantee that its just coincidence really.
When I spoke on the phones I learned to elongate my vowels (specifically my O’s) and began saying phrases like “As far as it goes” and “don’t cha know” very frequently. This lead to the sort of midwest accent that was more out of necessity of communication than anything else.
What are some of your favorite movies?
Link to page with fave movies.
What sort of music do you listen to?
Spotify Embed of music playlist I’m willing to share.
Who does your hair?
I do my hair myself or with the help of my kids or significant other. My natural hair color is dark brown so I do bleach it with 20 volume hair bleach and utilize demi-permanent hair dyes. There is a method to my madness but I can tell you that you won’t understand it, nor can I explain it. The color often lasts for a while (normally… most of the time).