Work continues to trudge on and so time is still limited. I did get a little time on Christmas as things aren’t open so gig work is non-existent. That means I got some things done but not a lot. I spent the time relaxing which I feel like I never really get enough of. Lets look at the progress though. I moved a table and got some stuff organized. I’m currently working on getting my paint organized first.

I know its not a huge change but the condensing of space as well as the beginnings of the organization is making it feel a lot cleaner and better all around.
It has since been slightly upgraded to be a more mutual space as part of the sticker production has been moved to a table that is directly beside the one in the first image. I have also created a cover for the roller to keep debris from getting on it since there is a fan above.
I think an important step for me is to find an organization system that works for me instead of against me. In the second image you can see some tackle boxes that I’ve been using and I feel like that just isn’t quite the right method for storing things that I need. I certainly need something more modular and I think that a big thing that I need to figure out is how to organize stuff I get for specific projects and things I get because I feel like I may use it eventually.
I feel like some sort of box system that goes in those shelves may be my answer but any ideas would be great!
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