So, its been a few minutes since I posted that I was starting a journey to creativity but I have made no progress. The last few weeks have been rough. I finally had a few hours today to actually get some stuff done. I feel like I have made a significant stride by simply starting.
It is, by no means, even nearly complete, but I feel accomplished even with the limited amount of cleaning I got done.

Mind you, if you look at the previous post you’ll know that it was a disaster before.
Now I work in piles. So please bear with me as I know it looks messier than when it was piled on the shelves here. I will take the stuff on the right and it will eventually be neatly packed away. I am taking a break and I tucked everything under the left nook so that it was out of the way for now.
To me this is PROGRESS! And lots of it. I actually got the first step done which is action instead of waiting.
As I sort through this I’m finding things that aren’t even crafts in this area. Just miscellaneous stuff that appears to just get lost in the shuffled but I am struggling to find places for them. Some things I may get rid of but some things I just need to get to where it belongs.
Some important steps that will come as I get things more sorted out is I will be 3D printing some paint holders so I can organize my paint better. I may find a few other things I’ll need to create!
I have used plenty of sorting systems but I feel like they aren’t doing what I need. If you have recommendations for how to better create and sort a creative space I’m all ears.
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