Category: Uncategorized

  • Hosting Moved

    Hey there everyone! My RPG hosting has been moved to RPG Initiative. It is still free but it gives me a single point of access to manage my hostees as well as auto-sets you guys up so no more waiting for me! Please feel free and head over to the RPG Initiative store and check…

  • No longer limited

    I do believe I have worked out most of the kinks of the hosting. At least that I can tell so my limited amount of slots is now unlimited again. I will be updating the terms and things that can get an account suspended. I will recommend that you do not use phpBB as it…

  • Hosting limited

    Hello everyone, I will be re-opening Morrgasm. hosting on a limited basis due to server load. This means that I will be more strict about my inactivity rules so that people aren’t taking up hosting that aren’t utilizing the service. As such I will email any current applicants and see if they are still looking…

  • Hosting Closed temporarily

    So as some have noticed I’ve been having a few issues with keeping the server up. It’s been a trial and I know I can fix it but until I can get what hosting I currently have stable I will not be accepting new hostees, primarily because I don’t want your first site experience to…

  • Secret Santa!

    A friend is looking for some people to fill some roles. I can’t pick up the characters myself but I figured the fabulous people on the internet may be able to oblige. This here is for these two! first middle holden. 15. first or second year. clique is open. The tentative face claim is Jimmy…

  • My dragon grew up today

    Just thought I’d let you all know: