Trying to consolidate things

So as life would have it, I’m getting older (Turned 40 last month) and things are still as hectic as ever. I’m starting to take count in what things I still enjoy and what things I have started to resent. It is amazing how time can really show you how thankless some things you poured your heart and soul into can be.

With these realizations I have decided to focus my efforts on things that I still enjoy and consolidate down to a more succinct internet presence. Its hard to admit it, but I have let go of over 15 domains, some of which I’ve had for nearly 20 years. That’s INSANE considering that I loved websites both making them and maintaining them. As time wears on I have figured out that while I still sort of enjoy it, it was really just doesn’t hold that “new car smell” that it used to.

Even as we speak I’m wholeheartedly annoyed with making this post. Things look wonky and everything needs a background… when in the hell did this become so difficult? It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to get the right background on the header of this site, let alone figuring out the individual pages thing. I guess WordPress was always a little unwieldy to me and that’s why I would use Invision Community. Unfortunately I just can’t afford to keep up with it or justify the expense though it would likely help keep me from doing my head in because of WP. (This is a note that I KNOW that this blocky BS looks terrible, I’m working on it and it will hopefully not be this way forever). It is possible that if things change I will move back to Invision, for now its just not in the cards.

NOW! Back to the subject at hand.

One of the biggest things I’m consolidating are many websites into this one. It makes sense really. My Morrgasm of stuff! You’ll be able to get to things from here as I finish them. Redundant websites (such as, etc) have been redirected to here and this will be sort of my new mecha home page where to find me and anything I make.

Additionally, I will be using this site as the primary site for my future endeavors, wins and fails. I am trying to settle into a routine enough that I can begin streaming video games I play on twitch and share them onto Youtube. Share the projects that I work on here at home including my new dice making endeavors, with my 3D printed model paintings, new purse making ideas and even eventually I may get into crocheting. You never know where things will take me. Completely possible to take me back to my teenage roots of cross stitch and embroidery.

Does this mean that Morrgasm is the only site I run and operate and stuff now?

No. I have a few other projects including a site for my significant other called Home Brew Gaming, a site called Tales from the Dungeon and a few others that are still being run, maintained or otherwise still up. It does, however, mean that I won’t be maintaining 17 different sites at once trying to keep up the motivation for each of them individually.

I’m excited to really focus on something that I can be proud of instead of spreading myself thin. I hope to finally really get the site of my dreams made.


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